Shine A Light

Films, Photos, Music, Fashion, Aesthetic, Narrative, Style, Image, Dialogue....

Saturday, 30 January 2010


Just came across this guys work but its really gooooood!

the cinematic lighting and barren scenes give a really potent narrative quality to this series...have a look at the whole lot here -

infact is pretty great site all round for most things inspiring!

Sesame Street(s)

Sesame Street was 40 years old a couple of months back and why this film hasnt been made yet is truly beyond me!?....maybe it would be just too perfect!

'I'm here to fuckin' amuse you!'

Friday, 29 January 2010

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Future Shorts - Brighton - Hide+Seek

Future Shorts returned to Brighton with another superb selection of short films....

'The Lost Tribes of New York' by Andy and Carolyn London was one of the many highlights, using a combination of interviews with 'native' New Yorkers, street photography and animation, the short gives a humorous and original looking insight into some of the unknown people of the worlds best known city

'wherd you come from?...yer mutha!'

other highlights included

'Rabbit Punch' Kristian Andrews

for more info on all the Future Shorts releases...check out the is over there >>>>>>>

and for he next Future Shorts event in Brighton, have look at the facebook group

Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Múm are a band from Iceland!...Their music is ambient, mystical and cinematic with dark kinda twist. They spent most of 2009 on the road around Europe, the UK and the US. Photographer Sam Hiscox was their to document the whole thing....heres one of his videos... "a couple of pawer balladzzz for ze Germanzzzz!"

you can see all the tour videos

and see the whole tour in photo form here

Photo and Video by Sam Hiscox

(check out his other stuff at Partie!Partie! and Dayglo Poster- links to your right >)

One of My Kind

'One of My Kind' is the story of the The Mystic Valley Band....when Conor Oberst (Bright Eyes) went to Mexico to make a solo album, he ended forming a new band....and it turns out they can really fucking play!!!.....this documentary about the formation, tour, and recording adventures will make you want to be in a band all over again!

you can download the moive for free here

a donation is suggested and you should because it will go to a good place!

Monday, 25 January 2010

It's All Right Here

Interview Project continues its American road trip told through the lives normal people in normal places...proving that none of which is normal at all...

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Hide + Seek

...a scene from 'The Road'?

Photo by Milo Belgrove

The Key To Reserva

This isn't particularly new but if your interested in the works of Martin Scorsese and Alfred Hitchcock then this is it!

watch it here: (apologies for the questionable Russian(?) i could find right now!)

a forgotten film and largely unnoticed short from two of the greatest filmmakers!

Future Shorts are back in Brighton!

Sure to be another fine selection of short films from the pioneers of contemporary short film exhibition.

This was a good scene...

The White Ribbon

Michael Haneke

I'm Here

A new short film from Spike Jonze...