Halloween was yesterday...hope y'all had fun with the blood and the booze and make up....but here's where the zombie really came from...
In this VBS doc Hamilton Morris sets of for Haiti to explore the concept of Haitian zombies and voodoo magic in Nzambi. Staring of with the case of Clairvius Narcisse. Pronounced dead by two US trained doctors and appropriate paper work filled and death certificates signed. 15 years later Narcisse turns up in his home village, turned into a 'zombie'!
The documentary then endeavors on mission to do a detailed exploration of ideas of 'zombificiation' and voodoo magic in Haiti. Although our host is kinda weird looking and annoyingly-awkwardly-pretentious, Hamilton Morris still knows (scientifically) what he is talking about. This series explores the subject scientifically and historically very thoroughly. Giving great background research on a country, a people and religion that are easily misconstrued and misunderstood by western ideals. Hamilton also explains the actual chemical science aspects with knowledge and in an understandable way.
The series also demonstrates how the modern folklore of zombies, perpetuated by pulp novels and then Hollywood originated from Haitian voodoo mythology....
Watch all Six Parts at VBS now.
Another intriguing aspect of the show, is that it promotes the idea that to explore ideas of 'other' cultures, to look into beliefs, ideals and lifestyles that are fundamentally foreign to your own, requires you to leave preconceived ideas, thoughts and comparisons to things you know on the shelf for a moment...

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