As front of house staff, me and my colleagues don't have too much say about what we show at the Duke's (luckily the programming department for Picture House do a swell job....(honestly I'm not just saying that))...however, earlier this year we had to show some awful excuse for entertainment called Sex and the City 2. During this dull (but remarkably busy) period, I thought about other potentially awful films that this fine cinema could show to a desiring public. My friend and co-Duke's compadre Alasdair had bought a film called The Human Centipede to my attention, at the time I thought it was gross and hideous and not my thing at all, but it sure looked sick and fucked up and therefore appealing to most people in some twisted way. I suggested to my manager Jon that if we can get away with showing Sex and the City 2 for two weeks then we could get away with showing something like The Human Centipede (I could see similar levels of atrociousness festering in both filmic concepts). Originally a tad skeptical Jon let me start a facebook group to see how much interest was out there...and with the aid of some influential friends (cheers Sam and Will!) over 600 people joined the group and the head honchos at Picture House noticed (thanks Jon) and programmed in The Human Centipede. Initially it was just going to be shown at the Duke's but it has now been booked into many Picture House cinemas including Brixton, Notting Hill, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Southampton....
So on friday the 3rd September come to the Brighton's Duke of York's for a special late nite screening of The Human Centipede
read more at Don't Panic....!
High Rankin -
Sam Hiscox -
Splendour Cinema -